I haven't posted for sooooooooooo long but still haven't much news. I pulled Taz from competition due to the problem with his weaves; I didn't want him practicing the wrong thing over and over again and getting even better at doing it wrong!!!!! We have been working really hard over the winter on this problem and now in training he seems to be able to cope with most things. I entered a small 'limit show' in January and there were 4 rounds each with weaves in them. He got his entry every time and missed 1 pole in the middle only once - so a total of 3 out of 4. This gives me real hope as he would normally have gone to pieces (or is he lulling me into a false sense of security?) Of course I do realise that once we get the weave issue sorted somthing else will go wrong.
Dylan continues to be a delight. His enthusiasm shown no bounds and he is very responsive. He is still a little clingy but this is improving and distance work is becoming a reality. I must admit we haven't done any straight lines for a while , so this will be revisited to see if he can still do them!!!
Competition season starts soon so hopefully will be posting more often - watch this space..........